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Oh hi there!

I’m Shaye: an obsessive sewist, excitable slow fashion advocate, a budding musician and a passionate wearer of pink. I am also a dedicated mother to two super cool humans, a totally awe-stuck wife and I think I might just be the luckiest person alive.

I started my sewing journey alongside the growth of my first human, making a lil’ baby quilt and, once she was born, lots of baby pants and dresses. I realised pretty fast that my sewing excitement was not to clothe babes, but to create clothes for myself. Through those first sleepless parenting years, I carved out time to do little bits of this new thing that filled my creative cup and left me feeling nourished and wearing clothes that i loved. Sewing helped me to find a sense of self, a creative nourishment and empowerment in my new skills during those days as a young mother.

10 years on, my husband and I have a mostly handmade wardrobe and find that making our own clothes gives us a feeling of freedom and rebelliousness that enhances our life and makes wearing clothes fun! We can express our unique selves in a way that feels true and authentic to each of us.

and now let me introduce you to Lee,

The night I met Lee he was wearing clothes he had sewed himself! I fell in love with him instantly! (but it turned out he was a celibate yogi and wouldn’t go out with me for another 2 years, but that is a looong story, and probably needs its own blog post). But, although he had dabbled in sewing and creative fashion, Lee’s first and most intense love is music. Lee is Music! He has traveled the world over as a saxophonist and is now based on the Sunshine Coast as a multi-instumentalist with his own boutique solo show. It wasn’t until 2020, with space in his diary due to the effects of Covid-19, and a desire to help me run workshops that his passion for sewing was rekindled in a big way.

He takes great pleasure in wearing outfits he has made in entirety and really getting to express his totally unique and quirky nature (I think he may have been the original #dresslikeatoddler style leader). He is also a selfless sewer and is the main sewing parent to meet our children’s fashion requests. Lee is a magical human and is pure joy to be around, he has an incredible capacity for genuinely loving everyone and everyTHING he interacts with and being my steady foundation with his rock solid mountainous support of everything I do.

Fun. Creativity. Joy

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